On October 24, WPVI will host the second and final debate between Senate candidates Pat Toomey and Katie McGinty. We'd like them to ask a question about paid leave, and we need your help!
Here are some tweets you can share, or you can submit questions directly at JoinTheAction@6abc.com:
- Plz ask candidates Monday if they support #paidfamilyleave for every American, no matter their gender or job? #6abcAction #WeWontWait2016
- What will you do to make sure all workers have access to #paidfamilyleave? #WeWontWait2016 #AsktheCandidates #6abcAction
- How can you ensure workers don’t have to choose btwn paying bills/caring for family when sick? #WeWontWait2016 #AsktheCandidates #6abcAction
- 40% of workers can't use FMLA; others can't afford to be unpaid caregivers. What can you do? #WeWontWait2016 #AsktheCandidates #6abcAction
- Doctor says "stay home"; worker can't afford being fired/losing pay. What's your advice? #WeWontWait2016 #AsktheCandidates #6abcAction
- Do you support the Healthy Families Act to ensure all workers have access to #paidsickdays? #WeWontWait2016 #AsktheCandidates #6abcAction
- The vast majority of US workers lack paid family leave, and that impacts families' finances, job opportunities and savings as well as the broader economy. What will you do to make sure all working women and men have access to paid family and medical leave?
- I live in Pennsylvania, but my friend in New Jersey has access to paid sick days/paid family leave. Do you think that’s fair? What are your plans to fix this?
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